Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's been 2 years since I lost my daddy...
I feel very cheated because in my heart we weren't finished, we had big and I mean huge plans! We talked often about traveling to Europe, to walk the great museums and eat all that awesome food! Man it hurts so much still, as I sit here reflecting, I notice the tears can't stop. My kids look at me and don't even question why I'm crying anymore...they are used to it, and they know why. If I'm not cooking something my dad loved or painting/drawing I don't feel close and I feel empty...
I try not to feel this way...not sure when it will end, no one really has that answer, so I just keep pushing. My sisters and I have all dealt with it differently, but boy I can tell you he was the GLUE! Because things seem to be falling apart almost at a mudslide speed. Sunday dinners are at a standstill, mom has moved (and believe me she should be there) the smiles and stories have all but faded.
I did not mean for my 1st blog post to be depressing or otherwise, it's just how I'll feeling today. I hope you come back often to see my new art or what I'm cooking up or my crazy life with the Joneses :)
Love y'all Jalila

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